Phone numbers
- What Countries can I get a phone number in?
- What types of phone numbers do you offer?
- What number type should I order?
- Is the ordered number directly active?
- Are all your numbers internationally accessible?
- Are there phone numbers which require any special documentation to purchase?
- What are the restrictions and limitations on my number?
- What is a local number?
- What is a National number?
- What is a Freephone number?
- What is a Premium Rate number?
- What are the outpayments for premium rated numbers?
- What is an Universal International Freephone (UIFN) number?
- What is a Mobile number?
- How can I view number pricing?
- Calling a Freephone is free for the caller?
- What are the costs for calling a Premium Rate number?
- What is the maximum tariff for Premium Rate numbers?
- How can I require a number from the local regulator?